by Shira Reback | Feb 24, 2020 | Uncategorized
Deep breath… Stories can be powerful. I keep telling myself that, as I’m about to delve into a whole lot of personal shit, believing that someone out there will be inspired to take the next step forward into whatever challenge they are facing. My...
by Shira Reback | Jan 13, 2020 | Uncategorized
Click here to register for our Core Clinic 3 Sessions, Thursdays 2/06, 2/13, 2/20 @ 5:15PM-6:15PM
by Shira Reback | Dec 1, 2019 | Nutrition, Tips, Uncategorized
Holiday eating got you feeling like a stuffed turkey?? Don’t fret! ST3 Kickboxing and Fitness has your back! Hello Holidays!!!! Hello all of the festive foods that build the memories of the holiday season. Sometimes they can help us build the physique we are aiming...
by Shira Reback | Nov 21, 2019 | Tips, Uncategorized
Holiday stress can do a number on your health goals. Stress can lead to unwanted eating, drinking, lack of sleep, and it can make getting to the gym seem overwhelming. Here are some tips to keep your stress levels down and progress up, even when you are bombarded with...
by Shira Reback | Oct 13, 2019 | Tips
Motivation is something that comes in waves. It can be seasonal, cyclical, and sometimes it may seem hard to find. So what can we do to get out the door when the couch and television seem so much more appealing? What can we do to keep making healthy choices in our...